Hi all!!! I hope you are having a TERRIFIC summer so far!!!!!!
So I totally took the month of June off. Off from school. off from the Internet, off from the daily grind, off from everything. And it was totally worth it. WORTH IT. But now I'm back!!
I did spend a lot of the last week making lists of things I needed to do for my classroom in the upcoming weeks because I will be spending a lot of time in the classroom pretty soon. I've also been making decorations:
Michael's and JoAnn's are making a ton of money off of me. And Office Depot's ink department.
Love my Cricut!! I had this brilliant idea (from Carly) to do a black and bright neon alphabet and, uh, YES it is awesome. I'll show the finished product when I get it up on the wall.
And thanks to Pinterest I have been making tissue paper flowers of various sizes to hang from my ceiling to be oh so precious. Check out my post about it!!
I did manage to create a new product for my TpT store: A Teacher Planning Binder file. Completely customizable. And it's so cute!!!!! Ready for a picture overload????
I've made all these cute section dividers for the planning binder.
There's a lot of them.
BTW - I've created a PowerPoint file to accompany this product that is FULLY customizable to meet your needs. You can type in your entire class list and print out multiple copies. You can design your own cover page with your name or initial or school name or whatever. The file comes in a zipped folder with the original Publisher document, two PowerPoint files, the PDF, and the necessary fonts you need.
Planning Pages for Math and Reading
I always have ideas for next year that I usually write down somewhere and then lose it or forget where I wrote it or didn't write, etc. etc. So I created this page so I'd have a place to put down my ideas!!
This page I created to write down those aspects of lessons I teach that worked well or didn't work or what I could do better for next year.

Alright so I know that's a lot of pictures, but this is by no means the entire 146 page planning binder. I've included SO MUCH that I've found helpful in my own classroom. I've also enlisted the advice of my good friend Mrs. Jessica Waits to see what could be added to support middle grades. And I would ask that you please, please, please give me feedback about what I could do to make this product better to meet the needs of every teacher.
Check it out here: Teacher Planning Binder
Thanks so much for your support!!
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